Tennessee Mornings TV Show
Nashville, TN
July 22, 2004
Con Hunley joins co-hosts Kelly Sutton and Charlie Chase for an early morning appearance and performance on the "Tennessee Mornings" TV show.
 | IMMI Team member Mike Beeler gets Con and the rest of the crew to the studio for the 5:30 AM sound check. |
 | Ever wonder what it looks like BEHIND the cameras? Note the time on that sound check - that's AM, not PM! |
 | In spite of the early hour, Con delivers an outstanding performance with a soulful rendition of "Still." |
 | After the performance, Con, Kelly and Charlie chat about the new CD, "Sweet Memories," and Con's upcoming appearances. The conversation rambles all over, touching on golf, reminiscing about old times, and winding up with funny stories in the news! |
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