| Media Visits and
Wal-Mart Supercenter Appearance
Athens/Cleveland/Chattanooga, TN
April 25, 2006
Con is pretty perky at the first of several media stops, this one at WAYA, 93.9 Cat Country, a radio station serving the Athens/Cleveland, TN area. |
 | Con on the "Byrd House Show" with morning DJ Captain Bobby Bryd. |
 | Next, the team heads down the road to Chattanoga, and catches up with DJ Jim Beam at 101.9 The Legend, where Deborah Chenkus of Harrison, TN won two 3-day passes to see Con and other great performers at the Rhythm in the Hills Festival, plus two night accommodations in a luxury cabin at Mountaintop Resorts, and $100 gas money from IMMI Records. |
 | Con stops by the studios at Chattanooga's Hot Country Favorite, WUSY US-101, to talk with Bearman and Ken about the new CD and his appearance at the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Gunbarrel Road. |
 | An on-air phone call from a Chattanooga fan has the WUSY studio in stiches! |
 | Next, it's a stop at radio station WSDQ, where Con again talks with DJ Logan Carmichael about his Wal-Mart appearance later that evening. |
 | One final radio station visit, this one at WQMT with DJ Julie Barker. |
 | A quick costume change, and Con buzzes over to WTVC-TV Channel 9 for a visit with Don Welch, host of This & That With Don Welch before heading to the Wal-Mart on Gunbarrel. |
 | Con visits the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Gunbarrel Road to meet with fans. |
 | Fans converging on all sides as Con poses for a photo with a fan. |
 | Longtime fan Judy Biggs gets Con to sign her CD. That's homemade chocolate and peanut butter candy she brought with her in the tin - UM, UM, GOOD - Con LOVES chocolate! |
 | Con posed for pictures and signed autographs for well over two hours. |
 | Flowers for the Star . . . blue ones, of course! |
 | Con poses with some of the team from Anderson Merchandisers and Wal-Mart. |
 | After meeting with fans for over two hours, Con spent some time in the break room with store employees, enjoying some delicious snacks prepared by the Wal-Mart deli.
Con signed photos and CDs for store employees and autographed the banners and posters for the store.
It was a great close to a very long, but fun and interesting, day for Con and the IMMI team! |