March 1, 2013It's that time of year again...time to help a great cause and have a little fun at the same time! It's the second annual Game On Against Cancer to
benefit patient programs through the Thompson Cancer Survival Center in Knoxville. The money directly assists cancer patients with immediate incidental needs like wigs, transportation, food, and
lodging via The Thompson Cares Fund and The Fellowship Center. |
 | In the Game On event, guests purchase
tickets that entitle them to food, drinks and the opportunity to play games against their favorite celebrity. There are close to 30 celebrities who donate their time for the friendly competition.
Con had so much fun with Blackjack last year, he signed up for the game again this year. |
 | "Con"templating his strategy
...what would Carnac the Magnificent do? |
 | Win or lose, it's a good
time for everybody! After his time at the Blackjack table, Con's got to make his way over to his next event - Corn-hole. |
 | Both of Knoxville's Honorable
Mayors, Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett and Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero, were on hand to support this worthy cause. |
 | Noted TV and Radio host Hallerin Hilton
Hill getting ready to serve up some fun and raise some money playing Table Tennis. |
 | In addition to money raised
from admission and games, the event also raises money through an on-site auction. A variety of items can be found up for bid - beauty products, sports memorabilia, gaming equipment, furniture, weekend
get-aways and more. Con and IMMI Records donated Con's Music Library and t-shirts. Not only that, but the winning bidder and a guest gets to luncheon with Con at one of his favorite Knoxville
restaurants, Litton's. Pretty cool prize, huh? |
 | Con stops for a quick
picture with fellow Corn-holer Missy Kane, left, and friends.Missy won a bronze medal in the 1983 Pan American Games and is now Knoxville's premier Health and Fitness guru. |
 | Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett gives
Con some pointers before the match begins. |
 | One of Con's favorite golf
sayings applies here, too..."Get in the hole!" |
 | Did you see that?... It went in!! |
 | What a blast! You should make
plans to attend the 2014 Game On Against Cancer. The event is held in March at Games & Things on Kingston Pike in Knoxville. You can find out more by clicking here. If you are able to attend, two things are certain - you will help others, and you will have fun doing it! |