After an absolutely outstanding show at the Country Music Hall of Fame on Saturday night, June 7th, Con's last show for CMA-Fest 2008 was performed on the banks of the beautiful Tennessee River on Sunday morning, June 8th.
Fans rushed in to the sounds of the "William Tell Overture", and were not about to miss out on this last day of great music from some of Country Music's biggest stars! |
 | The lovely Lane Brody got the day started with our National Anthem. |
 | Con was up next, and despite keeping some long hours the day before, he was raring to go! |
 | Hot fun in the summer time.... |
 | What a great gig... |
 | With the huge screens surrounding the stage the fans couldn't miss a thing! |
 | Though it was barely after 10am it was already a beautiful day, and the crowd was ready to soak up some great music! |
 | And Con and the guys really delivered! Here are some great pics of the band! |
 | Tim, Ruthie and Kenny love being a part of the Riverfront show! |
 | And man, they can sing!! |
 | More action on the big screens...... |
 | After a sizzling perform-ance, Con dashed over for another quick visit with friend Bill Cody. GAC-TV had a perfect
spot right off the stage for Bill to catch the stars as soon as their performance was over.
The segments were taped to air later on GAC's CMA-Fest 2008 Special. A few final laughs to cap off the week.... |
 | Bill saw Con's beautiful daughter Brittany standing backstage, and invited her to join in on the conversa-tion.
She was a real pro...a chip off the ol' block! The interview was great fun for all three! |
 | CMA-Fest 2008 is soon to be over...After the GAC interview, Con thanked Bill for everything and headed back to the
Convention Center for the few final moments with fans. Click here to see Con's last day of Fan Fair 2008 greeting fans at his booth.
To all of Con's loyal fans - here's hoping we will see you in Nashville again next year for CMA-Fest 2009! |